How To Troubleshoot Your Plants

How To Troubleshoot Your Plants

Have you looked at your plant and just thought ‘what is your problem!?’ because if so, same! Having plants isn’t always a breeze and it can take a lot of problem solving to make sure your plants are on track and thriving!

This blog could go on forever if we wrote about every little issue that could or might happen with all the many different tropical species of houseplants, we bring into our homes… so let’s try and keep it simple. There are 6 common reasons to why your plant may not be doing very well and if you can spot this early on, you’ll be laughing, like a villain kind of laugh – because you’re a plant god and you can rule the WORLD.

Anyway, embarking on this journey of troubleshooting will equip you with valuable insights, helping you become a plant whisperer and paving the way for healthier, happier houseplants. So, without further ado, let's explore the key culprits behind your plant's struggle and unveil practical solutions that will leave you with a green thumb and a house teeming with thriving tropical wonders.

Inadequate Light:
One of the most prevalent issues for tropical houseplants is insufficient light. A lot of plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. Signs of inadequate light include yellowing leaves, spindly growth, or a general lack of vigour. Solutions to this problem include relocating your plants to a brighter spot, adding supplementary lighting (such as grow lights), or adjusting the window coverings to allow more light in.

Overwatering or Under Watering:
Watering problems are another frequent cause of houseplant troubles. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while under watering can result in wilting and dryness. It's important to strike the right balance. To avoid overwatering, ensure that your pots have proper drainage and only water when the top inch of soil feels dry. To combat under watering, establish a consistent watering schedule and monitor the moisture levels of your plants regularly.

You can read more about Root Rot here.

Improper Humidity:
Tropical houseplants thrive in high humidity environments and they appreciate consistency. If the air in your home is dry, it can cause issues such as brown leaf tips or leaf drop. Especially if you have a door or window open. There are plenty of ways to boost humidity within your homes – of course be careful in colder seasons as this could introduce mould, so airflow is also goes in hand with this!

You can try and boost humidity by misting your plants regularly – but this will only do so much. Placing a pebble tray of water near them, or using a humidifier is a good way to increasing humidity. Also Grouping plants together can also create a microclimate of increased moisture. To keep an eye on this, we recommend getting a little hygrometer. You can get ones that connect to your phone, which is a fantastic way to keep an eye on how consistent your levels are.

Incorrect Temperature:
Tropical plants prefer temperatures between 18-29°C (65-85°F). Exposing them to extreme cold or heat can cause stress and damage. Avoid placing your plants near drafty windows, heating vents, or air conditioning units. Also, be cautious during winter months and protect them from cold drafts.

Nutrient Deficiencies:
Nutrient deficiencies can manifest as yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or overall poor health. Fertilising your tropical houseplants regularly with a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser can help provide the necessary nutrients. However, be mindful not to over-fertilise, as this can lead to chemical burn and other issues. It’s super important to follow the instructions on the product you are using and adjust the frequency based on plant needs.

Pests and Diseases:
Insects and diseases can also impact the well-being of your houseplants. Common pests include aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs, while diseases like powdery mildew and root rot can occur. Inspect your plants regularly for signs of pests or diseases, and take appropriate action to control them. This may involve using natural remedies or deep dives to work out how your plant can be treated.

Check out our blog on pests here

With all that in mind, we think there are a few tips on how to make trouble shooting your plants a little easier, such as:

• Using clear/orchid pots on the plants that you want to keep a close on. Seeing their root system and help diagnose your plant a lot quicker.

• Spend a little more time just checking you’re the back of your plants leaves! Using a magnifying glass is a great way to spot issues before they get out of hand – plus its super cool seeing how magical your plants are up close.

• Review any changes to the environment. Some times its easy to overlook that you’ve moved a plant or there’s been a heat wave, or maybe Little changes to the environment can affect your plants in different ways.

• If you’re really stumped on a plant problem, hit up your favourite Facebook or Reddit plant group. There are hundreds, if not thousands of planty people at your fingertips that may have experienced the same thing. It’s a great way to resolve issues and make new friends!

Tropical houseplants bring a touch of the magic into our homes, but they require proper care and attention to thrive. By troubleshooting common issues like inadequate light, watering problems, humidity imbalances, temperature fluctuations, nutrient deficiencies, and pests/diseases, you can help your plants regain their vitality. Remember to observe your plants closely, adapt your care routine to their specific needs, and don't hesitate to seek further guidance if necessary. With a little patience and the right knowledge, you'll enjoy a thriving indoor tropical oasis in no time!

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